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How May I Help You?

Drum Programming

Do you need a Professional-Grade Drum Track for your next album or single? Let's talk!
I have been creating hyper-realistic and very unique Drum Tracks with clients across various genres for nearly a decade now!


Whether I am faced with a solo acoustic bedroom recording, ambient soundscape, spoken word piece, or Full Band's sonic assault, I've got your next favourite mix in the bag!

Guitar Re-amping

With access to some of the industry's leading Amps and Plugins from Brainworx, Fractal Audio, Neural DSP, Softube, and more, I can help you transform your DI Bass or Guitar sound into that of any big-budget record!


My Production style is always focused on ensuring that your audience truly feels your song; I will listen to what you want to say with your music, and can help guide the process in the right direction(s) with unparalleled attention and ear for flavour.


Need some polish and sheen before your new album or single hits the charts, physical distribution, or Streaming Services? I strive to help you reach the level of any potential competitor's production!

Collaborative Songwriting

Just like with Production, I love collaborating on or taking ownership of writing supplemental material through the artistic lens of others! I want to find out what makes you tick!

I am a College-Educated and Internationally-Published Audio Engineer/Musician from Edmonton, Canada. My goal is to work with as many boundary-pushing artists - young and old - as I can, and to help bring their ideas to life, preserving and showcasing all that makes each and every one of them so special.

Most of my experience has been in the genres of Electronic, Heavy Metal, and Industrial, though I consistently endeavour to push beyond and continue growing!

I have portfolio material currently available on the following Record Labels: Autumn Sounds, Barbed Wire Gardens, Confusion Inc, and FiXT :)

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